Get Channel ID & Link Your App

Get Channel ID

Before getting a Channel ID, you are required to set up WhatsApp on the Channels page. After that, you can click the Setup Account button to set up your WhatsApp Account.

Next, you will be met with the conditions that you must follow to set up your WhatsApp. You can immediately press the Continue with Meta button after reading the requirements.

And then, you're already set if you follow the WhatsApp verification steps, and your Channel ID will be automatically displayed in the Connected Channels column.

There are two ways to Link to your application: through the WhatsApp setup, you have done before and through the Connected Channels column. You can add applications by contacting our team first. After you get them, we will create the application you have submitted.

You will be met with the Link to an Application pop-up, and then you can select the application you want to link to, and then, if you have chosen it, you can directly press the Link button.

Last updated